Sales Orders
The Sales Orders module can be found under the Sales Group | Sales Orders. The main page has information that can be found by utilizing a search, viewing a history, or by choosing the number of rows to be viewed per page. From this screen, Sales Orders may be imported/exported, and created/deleted. Please note that an order may not be deleted if it is in Partial status.
Create a Sales Order
1. To create a new Sales Order, click the New button in the upper right hand corner. Required fields are marked with an asterisk. Here, you have the option of adding a Customer PO Number. Multiple e-mails may be added per Sales Order if they are separated by a comma.
2. To add items to the order, click theAdd Line button, press Ctrl + shift + a, or use the Scan Items to Order function. The Settings feature allows you to customize the columns that are shown on the Sales Order.
3. After setting the order details, click the Save button. The default tax rate can be specified in the Settings module, and the Sales Rep for the customer can be specified in the Customers module.
4. The Details tab of the Sales Order will show the Bill To/Ship To address. These addresses are pulled from the information entered in the Customers module. This tab also has a spot to place notes regarding the order. The notes entered here will be printed on the Invoice and Pick Ticket.
5. The Payments tab will show any payments made to the order. An overview is shown on the right hand side of the screen.
6. The Fulfillments tab will be shown if an order is in Partial or Fulfilled status. If Pending, this means that one or more items have been fulfilled, and at least one item is still pending on the order. If Fulfilled, all items on the order are complete.
Fulfill a Sales Order
To fulfill an order, click the icon. To see fulfilled orders, you will need to apply a Status filter. Items MUST be in inventory at the location specified on the order. If an item does not have inventory on hand, it must be de-selected. Finishing the order for the items on hand will create the order as Partial. Once sufficient inventory is on hand, the rest of the order may then be fulfilled, and the Sales Order will be complete.
Create a Purchase Order from a Sales Order
1. Purchase Orders may be created directly from the Sales Order module by using the Create Purchase Order(s) button in the right hand corner of a Sales Order. (Please note: A Sales Order must first be selected for this option to appear.)
2. Once selected, a wizard will appear with the item and quantity to be ordered. Verify the quantity and select the vendor for which the Purchase Order should be created. Click Next.
3. A summary page will be displayed, showing the different Purchase Orders with their PO number and Vendor. If the information looks accurate, click Finish. This will create the Purchase Orders, making them visible in the Purchase Orders module.
Print an Invoice or Pick Ticket
To print an Invoice or a Pick Ticket, open the order to be printed and click the Print button in the upper right hand corner. From here, you may choose to print a Sales Order Invoice or a Pick Ticket.
Search and Filter
To quickly find an order, start typing in the Search field. Orders may be searched by any field. Click a result in the list to open it.
To filter the Sales Orders, click Filter Sales Orders and select the desired filter from the list of options provided. (Filters may have multiple parameters.) Click Apply to view the results.
Filters can have multiple parameters. Once the filter is saved, it will appear in the top toolbar for quick reference.
To see the order history, click the Show History button. The list can be filtered using the Search field. Clicking the Column Header will sort the table according to that header. (The arrow shown next to the header is the column being sorted.) Clicking the Settings button will allow you to hide or show columns. The Print button will print the current view, and theExport to CSV button will export the current view.
New Sales Orders
Fulfilling Sales Orders